Shortly into working on Ethereal, I stepped away, but the music continued to play. And a song, which plays now as you read (I Am by Nicole Nordman), randomly came on. It's a song that reminds me very much of you, Mom. One that Ginger played for the family on your birthday in your honor. She asked us all to find a song that depicts or pays tribute to you. This is the song she chose. And it is so appropriate for our Mother.
Feeling even more guilt, now, I grabbed my phone to text my Mom and tell her how sorry I was that I wasn't there. I have the
Another thing you know about (or maybe you don't) if you have an
She's MOM, which spelled up-side-down makes WOW!
I love her.
She is!

After high school, our creative paths took different routes. Jorjah-B went into graphic design, and Angel Cake found a creative outlet through photography. Since then, it seems our paths have merged again. With both having a love for interior design, photography, and all things creative, we've recently begun to brainstorm about how we can use our "wonder-twin-power" to create as a

There you will see our work, and the works of guests we think are dreamy.
This all became a product of ideas in the making, and a weekend of fun and picture taking. For the banner, we searched and searched for the perfect photo. I was searching for a mysterious picture of a bike that I'd taken a couple of years back (took the picture, not the bike). I couldn't find it, which was a blessing because we found a better shot--one I'd taken just days before moving out of my Hyde Park top floor
The first two shots were taken this us. The first was taken by me at a coffee shoppe called Lovely. A delicate cafe with delicious treats. The second was taken the night before by Jorjah-B, of me, after the opera, in my condo. Very vaporous. You'll just have to go and see. And keep checking back. We'll be there daily (hopefully).